Asher Steinberg

Why does it matter, at all, that his hacking into her phone isn't plausible because it would have been password-protected? Like seriously, that's your criticism? This isn't Law & Order; the point of the show isn't to show people committing crimes in clever yet believable ways.

As I recall, when David, if that's his name, freaked out in response to her obviously hacked email and said she was finished, she panicked and tried to screw David. She hoped, it seemed to me, that by discrediting David, she might be able to hold on to her job. This is pretty understandable behavior. Even if it's

I don't understand why so many people suggest she's possibly a sociopath when she hasn't done anything sociopathic. You say she brought her boss down at the firm and ask why she'd do that. Well, her boss spurned her and was threatening to end/eventually did help end her legal career. He also was cheating his