Nikki Miller

I just don't see Fitz being able to separate from Mellie if she becomes President. We shall see …..

Do the writers expect us to discount everything we have seen from Mellie , including her involvement in Defiance ? She has done absolutely nothing that I can think of that might make the Scandal public want to vote for her. This storyline may be entertaining at the very least, but if this is Mellie's end game a lot of

If you notice, this is what happens with all of the characters. They start off likeable, then something Scandalous happens.

Yes to your post. We know Fitz can do reprehensible things but there is truly no justification for hating him over the others. LOL I cautiously ride for these characters because I know eventually they are going to mess up. It's about how and when it is going to happen. For all the Jake supporters, I don't hate his

My sentiments exactly. I appreciate the slow build this season but they have to start throwing in more pieces of the puzzle soon. A good show is like baking a good cake. You need all the right ingredients with a balance. Scandal still has the right ingredients, but the balance is off. I enjoyed the dynamics of Olitz

She was working with the Whitehouse before she left to stand in the sun with Jake . What's wrong with asking for a favor from a most trusted friend and advisor ? I guess people will always find fault with Fitz no matter what.

Well considering she was not intimate with Fitz for a long time I guess not BUT I believe she meant selling the affair and making it seem real as though she was interested in this man .

I agree with your assessment !. BY is a terrific actress and deserves all the accolades, but she has mostly been allowed to stay within her element. Additionally, although she plays her scenes extreme well, unlike most fans I was not moved by her affair with Andrew because of the points you made about not making a

You are right , the B-613 story line has pretty much taken over the show, so much so that it suffers from an identity crisis. Who knows what next season will be about. I was hoping more time and effort would be spent on Fitz's re-election.

This whole show could be a huge social experiment. I wonder hmmmm if people would fall back in love with Fitz if he somehow reconciled with Mellie, forgot about Olivia, and began putting his wife first. Would he still be that disgusting pig who is the scum of the earth or would somehow be redeemed because he is back

To add to your point Shonda has said sometimes she loves Olitz and sometimes she hates them. It's quite clear where she stands this season lol. I mean she once stated that Cyrus and James were the healthiest couple on the show. Now James is dead and buried. She is no respecter of relationships and if it weren't for

A toast to the cruel cruel world Cheers (lol)

I don't hate Mellie but you can make that a table for two sir (lol). The rape does not make her actions or bad behavior prior to or afterward excusable(Point Blank Period ). While I certainly want her to be vindicated for being violated the man that truly should have suffered is already dead and buried. I'm not an