I was SHOCKED to actually like this movie.
I was SHOCKED to actually like this movie.
Gosh I'm a few episodes in and I can't get used to the lack of Kevin/Bill/Mike. I do feel like this crew makes too many jokes, yet few land as they should. They should have focused on quality, not quantity. Their voices are also frankly too similar to latch onto. And I could completely do without…
Actually Moonlight upset the odds on favorite La La Land. So the political equivalent is actually Trump beating the odds on favorite Clinton, with an upset. It should be the electoral count held up.
"And I have to say, while I’m enjoying the show and various
performances, I’m not sure it’s going to be answer this last need in the
Boy, porkin' Judd Apatow was the best decision Leslie Mann ever made.
Agreed. Not a great sub.
Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich has never been more applicable or hilarious than this year's election. It was good for Kerry vs Bush, but with Hillary vs The Donald, it is PERFECT!
Obama is the best president since FDR. Period.
Every show already does this. This is not new. "Conan" does it, "Hawaii 5-0", etc. "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" were both doing it years ago (I personally think it partly to blame for Jon Stewart being done with it, but that's a pet theory). SNL isn't starting anything. I actually really hate the in-show…
She stole a bit again?
I was hoping for more of a Kristen Bell than a Benoist, personally.
How about Hispanics? They are nearly 1/5 of the US population (17%) and yet there are practically no major characters for them on tv OR film.