

That I understand but I would have liked a flashback to what happened after she found out she didn't actually kill Grace.

It really annoyed me that they never showed what happened in Grace's place.

I really liked it at first but by the end I was actively rooting against her. So tired of the "detective that is supposedly good at their job but their messy personal life gets in the way." Also, there is no way that certain things that happened in the last episode would be allowed to happen in real life.

One of the complaints I've been reading is that it is kind of boring. But are children finding it boring or just adults?

His delivery of that line made me chuckle.

I didn't recognize Christian Camargo as Dr. Sweet last week but it clicked while watching the "last week on" segment. I was only thinking the other day that it would be great to see him in something again and TA-DA!

I was hesitant at first when I heard he had another film coming out because of this problem in his last two films. I'm looking forward to it now that I know that the ages are better matched.

Ha, I was going to say the same thing.

I was just watching "Coming to America" the other day for the first time in a long while and had forgotten he was in it. When his character first appears on screen I went "Louuuuieeeee." So good. I had no idea he was in "Baskets" and I'm definitely going to check it out when I get the chance.

This is a classic example. I usually tell people to just skip straight to the second season.

"I did not sleep around, Ma! Do not make me feel like a slut!"
"You are! Like you always have!"
"And I am not! I am just a normal woman who enjoys having sex. And you have made me feel like crap about it my entire life! And that's why I'm so pissed."
"She's right, Abuela."

A perfect example of this is when I was just reading a transcript of this episode so I could find a quote. They spelled out sex as s*x as if it was a swear word.

"No comment!"

I love Ilana but part of me felt really satisfied when she was fired.

I just mute it whenever a voiceover begins and then wait several seconds.

Ahhhh, yes, I remember now. Yeah, probably would have been helpful if they had brought it up again recently.

Not only that but, unless I missed something, I felt like his desire to have more children with Xo came out of nowhere. Has he mentioned it before?

Ah, I had been wondering why he was in Gallinger's office. This makes sense.

I don't know how Barrow thinks this is all going to work out. Does he think that Effie is going to keep her mouth shut and not tell everyone? I mean, she is friends with Cornelia whose father and brother are one the hospital board.