
Anyone else annoyed by Will? I kept waiting for Jessica to tell him to stop being such a macho jerk.

I don't comment either but I felt I had to defend The Knick. I loved the last episode and don't know why the reviewer is worried about the show becoming sluggish. I feel most watchers would agree, seeing as how most gave it a B+ or higher.

I wouldn't be surprised if in future episodes they have flashbacks to events that weren't shown in last night's episode.

I liked that Rafael started dating a new person and Jane/Rafael could successfully parent together without being romantically involved. Then I was disappointed that the relationship only lasted one episode. I was hoping Jane would also meet someone else.

I hadn't noticed that until watching all the episodes a second time. Yeah, in the conversation about how her sister wanted to move to Paris she mentions that she always wanted to change her hair and move to Tokyo.

Ahh, okay. I haven't read the books.

When did he say that? I guess I missed it. I suppose I was just wanting it to happen on screen for a big "aha" moment.

It's possible. I remember Leofric was mad that Uhtred gave the Britons his real name though. If he had used a fake one then I don't think the king would have found out it was him. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't remember all the details clearly.

I don't know. I feel like Leofric is giving Uhtred a way out of this by potentially sacrificing himself. If he hadn't suggested a fight to the death, Uhtred would have been straight up executed.

I also love comic relief Aethelwold

I had a good laugh at Bertie's photo. It was so cheesy.

It made me miss my last living grandparent. She lives on the other side of the country and I only get to see her every couple years.

Good intuition then since he mentioned at the end that he was coked up when that happened.

I loved everything about that scene in the ice cream place. Those quick cuts were great and I laughed so hard when he took one bite of the ice cream and threw it really hard into the garbage.

Yes! Now that they are no longer roving abortionists they need to find a new occupation.

Not really. I find that the two of them together is always funny and more shared screen time would please me to no end.

Well, to be fair to Opal, many people didn't like the Eiffel Tower when it was built.

Was is "sleeping on some spaghetti" or "you will slip on some spaghetti"?

I wonder if she will change sides if she finds out the truth.

I found the scientist's ignorance confusing. First she asks for Liv's blood because she is a functional zombie (or whatever, can't quite remember ) but is totally surprised when Major tells her that his zombie asked him to not kill him.