
I'm not saying that none of the victim's personality came through. I really liked the singing and other bits. Just that compared to the last one which completely took her over, this episode there was a nice balance of the victim and Liv's own personality.

Did Liv really only have one vision this episode? I feel like they are scaling back on those.

What I don't understand about the hand is how did the hospital not notice the wound when he was there after smacking his head against the wall?

No but I totally see it now that you mention it.

Is it just me or was she able to be able to be more "herself" last season? I felt like this bro personality and the last one came off way too strong.

"This head won't go away until *burp* Earth shows them it's got … a hit song."
"You mean like Vivaldi."
"No, Fraser. A live performance of a newly written catchy original song."

This will probably never happen but how great would it be if for once on an American show someone did some homework and got the accent right.


It did happen as well on Happy Endings. Penny had a concussion and had to wear a helmet.

One of these days the guest star will not be the culprit and I will be so happy.

I find him quite attractive.

I felt like Coach punching Schmidt came out of nowhere.

I felt the same way. And what was up with all the other women starting to fight at the baby shower? Was that necessary?

I'm surprised that no one was shocked when Nick wanted to iron his shirt.

I'm surprised more people aren't talking about how cringeworthy that Sidibe scene was.

It's the same doctor in both shows! They mention Dr. Cotton by name in episode 2.

Poor Bertie indeed! I wonder how long it will take for him to take up his father's offer once he finds out about Thack and Elkins.

If they only knew that Harriet could perform the procedure for them.

She would have been ported back to Frank's current time.

That did cross my mind and it makes sense.