
I know that this is an unpopular opinion but there is something about Danny Pink that has rubbed me the wrong way since the beginning. I can't even say exactly why. Maybe because his speech is pretty flat and it always sounds like he has a cold when he speaks. I know that's dumb but I can't help it.

She's not married yet, just engaged.

I was wondering what Thack was actually doing with the cocaine. It looked like he poured it into his hand.

I loved the scene with Edwards and the seamstresses. Ugh! Could you imagine if they had had to turn off the light while someone was bleeding out?

I guess I just don't find it realistic. If I went on a first date with someone and they freaked out like that, there would be no second date.

Ah, okay. That makes more sense. I still agree with the point though that some of the lines seemed harsh and slightly out of character. I think I need to re-watch that scene.

The Knick is my favourite show on television right now. I'm always trying to get people to watch it.

I could see how someone could find them boring. They are very long and sometimes it takes awhile for something big to happen. I mean, the wedding doesn't take place until 1/3 through the first book. I'm surprised I had enough attention span to read them while I was in high school. I think watching the show first

I agree. I don't understand what they are going for here. I find that there is almost no chemistry between Clara and Dan and they always end up saying horrible things to each other.

It went downhill so fast that I missed what set him off about wells and all of a sudden they were arguing. I feel like they could have slowed that scene down just a bit.

I don't understand why people are giving up on watching. It's definitely one of my favourite shows right now and I look forward to it each week.

I'm curious about those pig legs Barrow threw into the fire.

When driving away from the city towards Tree Trunks' place, did I see the Golden Gate Bridge in the background?

That's what I thought too.

I couldn't even watch that part and skipped past it.
I wish he would get a new haircut. From the front he looks like he could be in a boy band.

Maybe they just need to add a headless horseman to spice things up.

Yeah, I know. It's just weird seeing a movie being touted as the best film of 2013 (on another site) weeks before it has been seen by the majority of people. Who knows, it might flop (but I doubt it).

I've seen The Wolf of Wall Street on a lot of lists and it hasn't even been released yet.