
"Well, animals are a lot like people Mrs Simpson. Some of them act badly because they've had a bad life or been mistreated. But, like people, some of them are… just jerks."

I preferred your review of Pikmin. "Using Child Soldiers to Cull the Countryside"

This game gave me a machine gun that kills anything within a second of me pulling the trigger. A+

Is this a U2 song?

I'm impressed with Chip's facial reconstruction surgery after being run over by that jeep. Does Gretchen make an appearance?

I haven't been this pumped for a game since Mass Effect 3. Hopefully I won't be utterly devastated again.

Hopefully going to get my copy of Tony Hawk Underground today so I can relive the glorious rise and fall of Eric Sparrow.

God it looks so good.

Shouldn't the pointy part of the arrow gone through the boxing glove and ended Ollie's no-kill streak in spectacular fashion?

kill me….

This person makes a great point!

Dave was totally right in assuring Gary that he had no idea how weird the Jack Parsons story would go.


My favorite thing about the entire series is that every movie after Tokyo Drift is a prequel to Tokyo Drift.

But there were six of them! That's more than five!

Somebody want to call a goddamn paramedic?

Or "I don't want them to build me a museum."

When they showed it in this episode, it HAD the mask on it.

You beat me to it.

That's why Nyssa tranqued her last season.