
The wrong kid died.


How did Dead Meat #2 hear the spiders?

Come on man, Naoto all the way.

So many conversations with my brother about Pokemon. So many.

You have not unsold me on this sandwich.

I think someone here mentioned them once. Not sure though. All the Family Guy quotes on this site sure drive me crazy though.

So I guess RIP Sin.

As a kid my salads would consist of croutons and ranch dressing.

No one can replicate the charm of Jerry O'Connell.
No one.

So you're telling me that Sliders was bad?

Man, now I'm thinking of a KOTOR movie trilogy.

Her Halo books are pretty great. They deal with the ramifications of kidnapping children and then making shitty clones that die within months.
Fuck Halsey.

In Mass Effect, I play my renegade character less 'evil' than 'blunt snarky asshole.'

Switch Bastila and Canderous and you got my list. People (rightfully) love HK-47 but seem to forget that Jolee is almost as good.

Okay real talk: Favorite Podcast of the year?

Oh no! Tugger shot himself!

Most Effective in the Punching and Stabbing of Literally All The Dudes:

Is this the one set in a Japanese High School or the other one?

The Raid 2 was fucking fantastic.