
Yikes! I feel your pain.
I believe that unless you are accompanied by kids under 12, you are under no obligation to see any animated films. If you willingly paid cash money to see Trolls or Sing or Ice Age 11, that's on you.

OMG! I was forced to watch that by my 8 yo nephew! He was shocked that I had never seen the video "because it has like 200MM views on YouTube!" I am so old.

Most Americans don't have a passport, so you don’t really have to worry about too many getting to Australia.
Canada, however should watch out. It's pretty easy to sneak across through the Montana wilderness.

Whew! It's a good thing he won't be on TV anymore.

So true. Unfortunately.

I'm fine if they want to keep Celine. Just let us sneak across the border to escape from Trumpistan.

Yeah. But we're gonna end up with Rev VP Pence when El Presidente Trump goes down.

Upvoted for Little Lord Tiny Hands!

No reviews for Queen Sugar, either. A powerhouse like Ava DuVernay producing, all episodes directed by women, beautifully shot and acted? But we get weekly reviews of bs like wrestling?

Remember how it was a hot mic moment that was the downfall of Lonesome Rhodes? Trump gets his "grab the pussy" hot mic and voters are like IDGAF.

I give you all the upvotes!

Hey, those lawn mower riding ferrets belong to the union! Why you hating on hard working Americans?

No love for Queen Sugar? Great ensemble, definitely not British royalty.

Grr. That is my pet peeve about much of the new construction I see - basically a 4 car garage with a house attached.

I know Alexandria's resident hair stylist got killed last season, but can't someone pick up a pair of scissors and cut Carl's frakking hair? And Daryl, too!

Hey, he brought the Bayhem to Benghazi!

Yeah. His continual references to being cramped into a middle seat for a six hour flight was a tipoff.

And that is fine with me.
Most TV dramas seem to have at most 50 episodes worth of compelling story. If they can do that within 4 years, all the better, rather than being on air for 10 years with only a good episode here and there.

I'm hoping the Lois Lane gig pays big bucks, plus she gets scenes with shirtless Henry Cavill.
Girl has bills to pay.