
And he probably gave Amelia Earhart bad directions.

Sponsored by duct tape, zip ties, roofies, exacto knives…

Did Trump get the OJ-Cosby wimmen haters endorsement yet?

Proper estate planning would include leaving heirs cash/stock/insurance which can be accessed to pay taxes.

So sell something. I can't muster any concern re: estate taxes. Be happy you actually were left something by a loved one.

I remember seeing that on Saturday afternoon TV when I was a little tyke. I thought it was pretty bad even then.

YES! Just rewatched A History of Violence. Viggo is a perfect laconic western "hero".

And sub in some random hot White chick for Katy Jurado.

And why spend $$$ on fx when you can attach string to some Matchbox cars and fling them around.

And those spider eggs in the bubble gum - yay Protein!

That's one of the inside jokes with Cliff Curtis. He's played Middle-Eastern characters, Latinos…this is a rare US role that has him playing someone of Maori descent.

A cold beer after a shift of patrolling and intimidating - keeps those Bandido-Mart employees motivated.

Well, time to say goodbye to the unfortunate survivors our band of walking death have befriended.

What a travesty. The B&W Robert Wise original was so scary - all done with sound and editing. No gore, no fx, except your own imagination.

Yes. Did she quit before or after her colleague (and crush) along with the neighbor who was laid off from Cardiff stole their plans for the Giant?

He has his father's eyes.

I don’t take Donna's confession of her dislike for camping as a major betrayal. That's the weed talking.
Remember, she still grew up in the 60s and 70s - woman often feigned interest in stuff their boyfriends/husbands were into.

You met that guy, too?

Same here. Grew up in Seattle, where I think it's against the law to eat square or stick shaped fish.

Diarrhea - you beat me to it.
Cheese = yum
Lobster = yum
Lobster Alfredo = 30 minutes in restaurant bathroom + half bottle of Pepto.