I thought the pilot was rather cute and entertaining - which means it doesn't stand a chance.
I thought the pilot was rather cute and entertaining - which means it doesn't stand a chance.
I was looking forward to this so I was surprised that I found myself irritated at times. Does Peggy really need another 'lost' love? Doctor Wilkes is a cutey patootey but the writers were rather ham-fisted in their handling of interracial relationships during that era.
Dang it. I just giggled like a little girl.
If Burnett and Downey are involved, they might as well title the movie 'Jesus and Some Guy Named Judah'.
I don't know about the "or no one" angle, but he'd make an interesting choice. Pedro does have the dark looks and he's shown a swagger on GOT. But that Spanish accent (homina homina) - some may think it's too hispanic.
All three are fantastic actors but I'm kinda rooting for Leto on this one. How cool is it that there's actually a talent pool to draw from for a genre that usually doesn't get much respect?
Not exactly a brain trust over there at Fox News…
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