
Your mother and the Star Wars special editions with new effects were very close, no doubt. It only makes sense she'd appear as Hayden rather than Shaw.

It all comes down to personal preference I suppose, and to paraphrase what Rian Johnson said, newer audiences who are used to this big CGI sort of live-action/cartoon films probably do prefer them. I apologize for bringing up any tragic experience in your life that may have caused your concerns regarding practical

He's a competent director with a strong under-standing of visual story-telling and shot composition. Two things heavily lacking in the Star Wars prequels. I think the "leaked" information all points to what could be a rather good film. JJ is no visionary but neither was kershner or Marquand. JJ is also great at

I personally still prefer the look and feel that comes with a far less digital environment, just a personal preference. Even this video makes me bored rather than "amazed" by any of the work they are doing. I'm prejudiced against computers. Though I am genuinely interested in Episode VII, I haven't ever 'jizzed'(sp?)

This industry is a strange one. Write a horrible script, movie bombs, get paid a bunch more money to write another no doubt horrible script. heh. They are the luckiet people in the world. Is there any other job you can suck this bad at and still get super rich? Yes, probably a few. But what do I know? I dropped out of