
Can we agree though that KFC is gross. That stuff's more salt than chicken!

You won't get an argument from me!

Yeah, but the GG in Canada is pretty much a ceremonial/symbolic gig… Though it would have been pretty cool to see Michaelle Jean wield some power and not prorogue parliament (and to wear a super hero cape while doing so).

Why the "quotation" marks?

but Jost has that adorable quality you see in college freshmen who just need to be taken under a senior's wing…

I also liked the wedding sketch but I thought the Oliver Twist sketch was dull, especially for being on so early in the show. And while I think Emma Stone is great, it seemed off-putting to watch her mugging for the spot light. I did enjoy Chris Martin's performance.

I don't know, just the other day I was casually telling my partner over dinner "Remember when I killed that person on your orders and that's why we are together now?"

I could have used some ham-fisted exposition about Locke thought - until I read it in last week's AV Club, I didn't realize he was the one who chopped of Jamie's hand.

I assume he will "fly" from the symbolic use of his toy robin being tossed out the moon door.

Did you type your comment in sarcastica?

Especially science education…

Probably Sheldon will knock up Amy on their first and only attempt at intercourse…

I haven't seen next week's preview but it doesn't stop me from speculating… I wonder whether Penny's career will take off as a result of the movie and she starts to slowly ditch her science friends (and Leonard) for her new Hollywood friends. If the writers did go this route, I would hope it would be over several

But wouldn't a guy interested in science know about the internet - not necessarily all the culture-related content, but at least how the word internet works?

That would be so awesome! With Sir Ian M as his sidekick?

I don't know - two years ago I only went 6 weeks without the extra warm flannel sheets on the bed.

Well with the unfortunate droughts going on in California, Canada does seem like a wise choice. If you like your water frozen..

Nah, I don't usually watch the videos on this site. I'm not sure what drew my attention to this one - must be because I coincidentally had a bowl of ice cream (Breyer's neapolitan) in my hands when I clicked onto AV Club.

Interesting to put a face to some names. Erick Adams looks as if he just walked off a Yale campus in the 1920's.

He was also great in Cuckoo (British comedy).