Bill Franklin

Where else would you play such a shitty console?

Trump as Buffalo Bill? From Silence of the Lambs? That does not really fit. That guy had like 10 lines in the whole film and was really just a very creepy transexual loner.. Dukat is a much better fit.

Ever read 1984? Alternate-facts, it's doublethink. Two words with contradictory meanings being thrown out to confuse and perplex people. I don't understand why the media doesn't take a stand and call these people out on obvious BS instead of serving it out like it's a valid thing for someone to say.

South Park's best day's are behind it. Serialization has ruined the show. It was so much better when they focused their time on making the individual episodes funny, now it just feels like each episode is kind of meh in order to tell a bigger story but the bigger stories are kind of dumb in the first place. The whole

I heard it's gonna suck.

I don't know, the gangs beginning to get a little too cartoony. It's like they've become caricatures of themselves. The show was better when their personalities were slightly more generic and laid back. It's like someone turned their personalities to 11 and they shout half of their lines.

Oh STFU already, these movies are crap. They are comparable to the SAW and Sharknado series.

Adventure time, come on bring your friends, well go to very, distant lands.

Schwarzenegger has done more to positively shape this country than trump will ever do. Just about every serious weightlifter I've ever known was inspired by Arnold. Not to mention his work promoting fitness in children and the hours of entertainment his movies will always provide.

This is ridiculous, it's just a Hawaiian themed burger that they shamelessly tied to pulp fiction.

The thing about making a Dune movie is.. well.. the plot is'nt very good. The book is interesting for the sci-fi world building of it but the actual events are not very interesting. Paul's father is killed, he escapes, joins the Taliban, becomes the leader of the Taliban, he's also some sort of messiah or something,

Is it really that unusual that famous people died this year? That's number one? Famous people die ever year. Other famous people are going to die next year? Are you going to do the same thing next year if someone you like more dies? It's ridiculous.

You're not reviewing original Everquest here. Why are you doing 3+ wordy articles on a single player rpg that everyone knew wasn't going to be very good and OMG WHAT A SHOCK, its not very good.

Hold on… is the author of this article implying that the current and former president for the past 8 years doesn't care about America? That's kind of a dickish political jab for a list of television programs.