Bill Franklin

Best show of the season so far. Aria is the worst part of the show at this point. She spent, what, one…two, years(?) doing oddjobs in a temple and blindly fighting some girl with a staff so now shes the greatest warrior in the seven kingdoms? It's SILLY!

Meh.. it started off good but the episode got boring as the focus shifted to "the family" and their relationships and they are just so damn boring. The show is strongest when Rick and Morty are doing their inter dimensional adventure schtick but this episode was easily one of the worst Rick and Morty's to date and it

One of the reasons Goldeneye was so great was the amount of unlocks and little meta goals for every single mission. You could spend hours on the first mission trying to get everything perfect.

Not this stupid crap again. Can't you just leave it with how it was in "The Next Generation", Klingons just look like they look and it's not the result of some biological toxin or chemical agent. Even if you want to change how they have looked in the past there doesn't need to be some fabricated story behind it.

Says the guy who combs the site day and night in the hope of being 1st to comment on something?

Why is he so fat? Someone should tell him to lose some weight. I mean a young guy like that just pudging up in front of everyone's eyes. It's 2017, there's no excuse to be a big giant fatso.

You people are morons. This show is now a dressed up turd. No matter how badly it is written these days there is always an army of even worse writers waiting to review each episode every week for every news outlet in the country. It's this cycle of shit that reruns every week. No one makes one critical remark. I swear

The whole Arya thing is one of the dumbest plot lines in any show I have ever watched. She trained as an assassin (mostly just doing oddjobs) for a year and now shes the greatest assassin in the world? She uses "magic" to change voice and face at will.. even though the faceless men seem to only change faces to the

It would be helpful if you told people when this was on and what channel. Im like WTF??? When did they do this? Is this something that I can even catch anymore?


There is so much CRAP on Netflix.

Earthworm Jim and Mutant League anything

Gordon Ramsay is really a damn decent guy. That's one thing I picked up from watching his old BBC shows, Kitchen Nightmares and The F Word. He used to do lots of things with his kids and you get the sense that he's a great father and a decent person when the cameras arn't around.

AV club has horrible fucking taste.

Series should not outlast the original material they are based on. Producers and executives can not create things near as well as a passionate writer with legitimate inspiration.

Re-posting something you saw on Twitter is not an article; and you are a dumb for thinking it is.

You people are morons

You forgot Clayfighter

This is one of the worst articles I have ever seen. Is posting a bunch of tweets from your gay friend's date really worth this kind of publication? I am disheartened.

Yeah, there's no other reason to ever go to Iceland.