You Know It's True

I thought it was obvious, he stole the idea, since episode 1. I just never thought they'd make an episode, where he admitted it. It reminds me of McRonald's in Coming to America.

He was awesome in that show.

What about the use of Auto-Tune in the dream sequence? That was weird too.

Some do so yes. It's also the illness affecting their decision making.

When you are bipolar, the illness affects your decision making. Not taking pills is a very real result of the illness. Also, the pills don't completely fix your mood swings. They usually only make them manageable. They come with their own negative side effects [like liver damage]. Many bipolar people have an urge, to

Yes we did. Swole is an old slang term. It's not that new.

Wrong. Put the straw in your mouth and squeeze the pouch to make the hole more pronounced. Now stab it with the straw in your mouth. You get the 1st sip as soon as the straw goes through (you're drinking it anyway). No chance of waste and no straw bend. :)

I thought it was hilarious. I guess I just don't care when it's a TV show. I'm sure that part was made up but it was funny to me. Especially when she told them that their body hit her van.

Eminem is far more influenced by hip hop culture than he is influencing it (he is the most popular but I don't see nearly as many black people imitating Em as I see them following someone like Wayne). {As a side note look at the prevalence of pun lines to multi's in modern popular rap music} He is hip hop's Tiger

Alabama… Mississippi? I know you've seen it in those two places. I was born in Alabama. I don't think you mentioned a single state that is known for it's progressive thinking. Maybe Ohio. Atlanta is surrounded by GA, correct. Mississippi Burning and Alabama Country Grammer are practically a clone of GA without the big

Don't you hate when people use general statements like "everyone is different" to dismiss an actual (and obvious) social phenomenon?" That is called a thought killing cliché. I wish they'd stop.

Um… not really. A huge portion of "the black community" (people who identify as black and check those black boxes on paperwork) are also religious. Nearly all… nearly. My entire family is educated and well off… they are also homophobic. I'm not… but they are. Don't forget how much the 'good book' contributes to the

You must not get out much. Everything Racj82 said is true. You must live in the exceptional urban community. Out in Atlanta (you know where they make black people) homophobia is alive and well. It's also very rampant online. I'd exclude beauty shops, but they treat them like novelty items. I know I'm 'generalizing'

You lost all credibility when you made fun of his head. What does that have to do with anything?

I can't frame

Trippin', yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she?
Standing with a katana and a sai in my hand.
I remember doing the ninja like, "yea I'm cool a little rude"
Not a teen yet but I could be a party dude
For those that like fight the Foot
Had the characteristics
One personality trait for their whole existence
And you can be

I call BS (jokingly of course). My wife is 25 and she loves TMNT as she… bum bum bum… claims it as part of her childhood. She had a TMNT cake on her 5th birthday. It's not before your time buddy. You are stuck with the rest of us old folks. ;)

Turtles are reptiles. Go back to school.