That guy in line

My working theory is the creature from the box only shows up when people are engaged in hanky panky, and generally disappoves of that sort of behavior.

I'm guessing this might explain the 3 Coopers. When Bad Cooper gets sucked back into lodge-world (replacing Good Cooper) there still remains in our world Cooper and the Cooperganger. Not sure if any of that made sense but it does to me…

Interesting theory. And if Kevin meets David Burton in the afterlife again, he can tell him where it is. The two seem connected that way.

And this one was also less Job and maybe more Jonah?

I felt like Matt seemed more triumphant at the end of this episode than any of the other Mattcentric eps. The smile and joke about that being the guy he was talking about while said guy is being chomped on by a lion seemed like a reaction we wouldnt have gotten from previous iterations. Its like the basic structure is

I also thought he was going to feed him to the lion and it made me think of the Grand Inquisitor from the Bros K. Could have been an interesting turn if Matt said something like: "You may or may not be God, but either way that interfers with our plans, as we already have our own god. Therefore, I will now feed you to

I'd be dissapointed with that ending, especially if they never explain just how a dog can play pocker without thumbs.

It's amazing how this show continually builds off itself to retroactively lend power to previous scenes. For instance, when I saw that "they wouldn't let me through because I won't kill a baby to cure cancer!" self-emolation guy, my reaction was along the lines of "hmm, that's weird." But after Nora's heart-wrenching

It looks to me like the ending will be somewhat upbeat. I'm guessing father and son will join together to dance away the rain, once Kevin returns to the afterlife for the song. The two of them realizing thier lifelong battles with psychosis leading to this moment could be really touching.

Yeah, I'd disown my kids for that as well…