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    Just wanted to post because I just saw this film, and it's very good. The performances are all pretty wonderful (especially Courtney Love who is adorable), but it's really the script that shines, with dozens of memorable lines. One lovely one from Paul Rudd: "I'm going to go home and kill myself, want to share a

    Okay so the big "Easter Eggs" missed out here were two references to the 1991 Disney adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. The first is in the episode in Jessica's childhood home. Jessica sits in her bedroom while Kilgrave "The Beast" waits for her for dinner and the framing and unfolding of the action is very like in

    Nobody ever complains that they're reaching their limit in processing Don Draper being selfish or regressing to bad habits? Could it just be that the reviewer has a low threshold for "unlikable" female characters?