
It's the puppy eyes.

I still lose it laughing when I remember him telling war stories to Will Arnett's character's baby. "'Medic!' cried the widdle boy!"

Maya Rudolph singing "Why would Xi Jinping want to flood my basement and rust my Bowflex? To what end? TO WHAT END?" is the only climate change commentary to make me laugh after today's insanity.

Wow. I get canceling TGD because it was apparently way over budget and chaos behind-the-scenes, but I've heard nothing but good things about this one.

"Goddammit! This is such a stupid goddamn situation!"

It's gotten to the point where every time I read the word, I hear it in Kaitlin Olson's half-screech. It's a thing of beauty.

HONESTLY. Chuck's serious "I usually just reply WTF - Won't Touch Frankenstein" was a page right out of Donaghy's book.

"Put yourself first in a sexy way!"

The callback to 30 Rock's D'fawn (also played by Burgess) gave me my biggest laugh of the episode. I love the idea both shows take place in the Tina Fey Cinematic Universe.

I didn't laugh once. I miss the Iannucci Years.

"You’re a catch, just deal with it” Jared almost aggressive crush had me in stitches, as did Richard vague jerking-off hand motions when he talked about TechCrunch - nice callback.

This was my favorite episode to date. I don't know how this show keeps topping itself, and yet, and yet.

I noticed it most starkly in regards to Catherine - a few season back their relationship was a really funny and interesting balance of narcissism and guilt and now it's just Selina being straight up abusive while Catherine stands there.

This season has gotten so formulaic - and overtly racist - the writer's have turned Selina from an anti-hero to a shrieking, one-dimensional villain. It makes me so cranky.

Rest in Piss.

I remember watching Jimmy painstakingly putting together his commercial last season and commenting to my boyfriend that "he would probably have had a happier, Saul Goodman-less life if he went into, like, film production rather then law", so I dug the new commercial, even if it is just getting the ball rolling towards

NBC: Make it 1997 Again Through Science or Magic

I wouldn't take "wasn't optimistic it could be done" for an answer!

OR Amy Santiago creepily singing numbers from the Great American Song Book?

These are all my favorite words in one sentence.