
I mean, I'm also incredibly sensitive, I cry at particularly sappy jewelry commercials, so take it with a grain of salt.

Water is wet.

I watched it and then I went out onto my balcony and sobbed for twenty minutes afterwards. A tour de force for everyone involved.

Timothy Simons is so cute and with the world ending life is too short to deny you've got a crush on Jonah Ryan.

Is Lenny supposed to know about Dussolier's bisexuality? Knowingly forcing his brother to root out people like himself seems like one of those needlessly cruel things he does as a power move.

I actually teared up at the end of 9. "Never Be like You" playing under the last few scenes was one of my favorite television scenes to date.

That was tied with "So by transitive property, you belong to me." as my favorite asshole move of his to date.

Jude Law's awkward "we are not priests." chuckle made me laugh harder than it probably should've.

I hope someone continues the proud tradition of "punching the old white guy life ruiner" during this

At least four times in my twenty one years.

"My father and I email each other Westworld theories every Monday." Maya is more me than is comfortable to admit.

We peacock comedy!

It seems like Lenny being such an uptight virgin is what's driving a lot of his personality here.

Life sucks that way.

Yeah, honestly, isn't he like nine? It's a garbage family, but maybe we shouldn't call him out on that specifically. NBC definitely overeacted though.

I feel like I'm the only fan of this rock-rap version of "All Along the Watchtower".


Think of all the new memes we could make out of it, though.

David Sedaris recommended her book at a reading I went to, and gravely told us how much he wanted to pick "a new first and last name for her."

This was kind of a mess. I'll still love this show for it's first few years, when I was fourteen and it was the smartest, most visually stunning thing I'd ever seen. Now someone please put it out of it's misery.