Henry Krinkle

It was Who's the Boss.

"Piss on your warm embrace, I just want to come in your face!"

I hope they were replaced on the tour by FEAR.

Or how about that C-3PO card with the boner?

You can't make money when everybody comes alone!

As I hope to go!

So I guess Missy wasn't The Rani after all.

Hell, with all the things that Moffatt has done with the DW canon, I'd be down with 12 regenerating into 8!

His superlatives are the BEST!

Or maybe Harland Sanders…

No stupid, it was Larry Sanders.

I'm in!

The Idiot?

A Møøse once bit my sister.


He'll get that, and a presidential library.

For 2.7 million, Kenny Baker's ashes should be in there!

I'll go with fuckhile, sure.

He'd pull the ears off a dog to pass the voting rights act!

Yes. Yes he was.