Henry Krinkle

I'm not that magnanimous, I just wasn't fast enough.

No, I said it in another thread entirely that mentioned Roger Moore, and I was about to post something similar here.

I said that in another thread!

That photo of Sean Connery he signed just went up in value.

I think I've seen worse around here.

Is it bad that as Chris Matthews is taking his first on the scene eyewitness phone call of the night, that I'm wondering if it will end with, "and Bababooey to y'all?"

That's why I provided citation, so if I'm inadvertently spreading false info, I can point to the reputable source where it came from.

It's horrible to have to hope that this is accidental.

They're showing cell phone video of the panicked scene. So far there's been no given cause for the explosions, keeping open the possibility they could have been accidental.

20 dead so far, according to MSNBC.

I've noticed that some weeks they'll go over 30 and to nearly 40 minutes, depending on the issue.

Where's the mention of Jack Soo, and the entire tribute episode Barney Miller did for him?

Okay Moffatt, don't fuck this up.

It was clockwise in Australia.

That's the thing. He never posted fake losses in accordance to what the market was doing. That's what Harry Markopolos saw, and said he knew it was a scam after five minutes of studying what he was doing.

Harry Markopolos checked, and told the SEC multiple times that Madoff was running a scam, yet they did nothing.

He also stole from Elie Wiesel, and many other charities.

"Several billion dollars?"

Machine Gun

Hendrix, Band of Gypsys, Machine Gun.