Henry Krinkle

Great American University callback/putdown at the end.

I loved the Jian-Yang prank call combo platter at the end.

It was a little slow, but the end made it all worthwhile.

And nobody's yet mentioned GG Allin?

The one where she advises a friend to commit suicide?

Ugh, Sadgasm.

"It’s a bad sign when the Crisis of the Week is one Kirkman could’ve failed with little or no fallout."

I thought it was three quarters Irish, one quarter De Niro.

Good deal BS, and good luck LW!

I definitely saw foreshadowing, but I'll rewatch.

I'll have to watch the episode again.

I'm still waiting to see how Nora's bosses are involved in all this, and their motivations. It was a short, throwaway line in the MLB episode ("she's going") and I don't think our reviewer ever addressed it.

Que lastima!

I have a feeling this show will end with him being the most powerful man in the world.

Little brown boner.

Okay, I've finished the book and I'm surprised Robbie Mook can even show his face in public.

Gimmie five bees for a quarter!

Or Mudd Club.

Has anybody nominated Le Tigre's Decepticon?

Wait, AVC is owned by Univision?