Henry Krinkle

Most of the Republican primary field shouldn't have lost to Trump, and yet they did.

I just mentioned it since last week's episode gave an answer to the question of how a black man might end up in a place where you'd be expecting an all white audience.

Yeah, you can't really have it both ways, especially when she was saying, "If the election were held two weeks earlier, I'd have won!"

And let's not forget how people warned her not to do the Goldman Sachs speeches because they wouldn't look good for someone who might be running for president someday (despite her and Bill already being quite wealthy at the time).

I haven't finished it yet. I'm still in the primaries.

She's got my vote!

Yeah, whatever happened to all that money she raised for recounts…

She lost the Michigan primary when they thought she'd win.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

This election was basically Hubris v. Bombast.

Not surprisingly, she barely reached out to Hispanics because she figured they were in the bag, what with all the wall-building talk on the other side.

Maybe he had ketchup packets in his pockets for his lunch.

"That's nice Bill. Now go talk to the people in the cities who are already voting for her and don't mind reaching out to those rural folks you have a natural connection with…"

And where's her bathroom bucket?

I get my Rebeccas and Rachels mixed up in real life.

I don't know, they did make it look like that was blood soaking through those holes.

Did you see VEEP last week?

He was the assistant leader.

I'm reading Shattered right now. It's insane.

Yeah, if they kept Rutsey, the band would have missed out on hitting it big. I've heard varying stories as to why he was kicked out. It was either because of his health, or because Geddy and Alex were moving in a different musical direction. Either way, there's no chance they'd have kept him and been able to push