Henry Krinkle

I love watching this just as much:

John Rutsey….frontman!


Game of Thrones Nights

I love the show, but just stop it already.

We clearly are of the same era.

Goddamn jive turkeys!

I prefer the spoonerism, "Sock Cucker."

We need to bring that back.

Listen, when you're making $15 Million a year, and are the ratings leader on a prime network late night show that likes its advertising money, you apologize whether you like it or not (even if it's a soft as soft can be apology).

Back in the Lenny Bruce days, "cocksucker" was more of a pejorative re: homosexuals, rather than the more generic term it is today.

And that he's sucking Putin's dick (in a non-homophobic, metaphorical sense).

You should see my bolster holster!

Dunham as the Penguin?

Gad damnit, why didn't I think of that!

They always had the walkup window.

This must be a new thing.

I remember when the Burger King fish sandwich was called "The Whaler."

Season 4 is my jam.

Where's my elephant!