
I thought it was awful. I'm glad I just torrented it…
I spent the last week bingeing two seasons of Bojack Horseman and found BH to be much, much more intelligent, funny and true in its portrayal of a depressed 50 year old (of which I am one). This just seemed like a bunch of one dimensional characters acting out in

His A Simple Plan is one of my favorite films. This could be really good.

Idiotic premise for an article. This isn't gender bias, it is the fact that Duchovny is a much bigger star, who most recently was lead star in another successful show. She has done supporting roles. Let's say they rebooted Friends, does anyone think that Aniston and Cox would not be offered the most money, with

It has to be Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!

Great review and couldn't agree more. Fantastic movie

And on Spotify, in case you want the artist to get $0.035545 for your listen.

One word: Chainsaw

Sorry to be that guy, but Cannibal Holocaust is "repellent," not "repellant."

I think she's being more of an asshole.

Great now I'm going to be humming this all day.

Damn you for making me waste 30 seconds looking this up on IMDB!

Yahoo's fantasy baseball interface is absolutely horrible. I could list 10 problems off the top of my head that show it was designed and tested by people who don't play fantasy baseball or understand basic stats. I am flabbergasted that either of you like it. Or maybe you are fantasy football guys— I seem to

There's an early bird special on threeways before 4:30.

Seconded on the annoying snark.

How about the absolute garbage that poses as "Great Job, Internet" on a daily basis? See above… maybe some selectivity before we call things "great" or call attention to them at all?

I am clearly missing something here… The Room is an awful movie, Ed Wood is a great movie about awful movies.