
Yes! I keep expecting Ecbert to say "You know what other cool Roman thing I have? This sweet bathhouse, now lets get you out of those robes Athie, I'm feeling a bit dirty…" Okay I need to get my mind out of the gutter, I think I've looked at too much Vikings stuff on Tumblr.

Bro-mantic is right, it felt like Ecbert was hitting on Athelstan, seducing him almost, like "Look at all my cool Roman stuff, it's our little secret right?" Ecbert knew A would be putty in his hands after that.

The boyfriend question was weird, way too modern. I didn't think the concept of boyfriends even existed back then but what do I know.

Yeah, Horik sucks, I really wanted Siggy to tell him to shove it when he asked her to "make a man" of his son. I also thought it was creepy that he stayed and watched the whole encounter but I guess he wanted to make sure it got done.

I've always liked Floki but his hatred for Athelstan has gotten old and it's strange because he didn't seem to have that hostility towards him last season. I guess maybe because Athie became a free man and "converted" to Odinism? Horik had no reason to hate him, he was the one who wanted him to stay in England. Loved

It's up on the history website already, I watched it there today because I have no cable right now.

Finally got to watch it, horrible…they have really put this poor guy through the wringer. I can only wonder what's next for him from some of the previews it looks like he starts to lose his grip on reality, having more and more hallucinations.

So they actually crucified him? I saw a screenshot of it on tumblr but I thought it would turn out to be Athelstan having a nightmare. Unfortunately I haven't been able to watch this episode yet because my cable is out, hopefully they'll put it on the history website soon.

Craster just…fuck off and die, I hate you.
Highly anticipating Dany's "purchase" of the Unsullied next week.
Ramsey's level of mindfuckery is reaching epic levels, first telling your men to chase Theon and then shooting your own men to keep up the ruse, well played sir. Theon could never doubt your loyalty now.
Loved the