Jessica Robertson

I think the reviews are working well! I got a slow start because I was busy when they dropped so I'm days behind but it's good to know there's one here after every episode, sense8 was a little slower and I kept having to check back for a review and eventually I didn't end up reading them all. So I'm really pleased to

It'd be a nice friendship if they keep it that way but I don't trust Maggie any time she's around him I'm ready for her to realize he is 'the one' the way they make her seem makes it hard to believe she can have male friends I do hope I'm wrong but I'll keep cringing in the mean time

The first part sums of Merediths face when she see's the fire but like 'oh man what now'

I don't get why they didn't downplay his injuries a lot more? Then it would of made more sense that Edwards would of actually risked moving him and that he was fine when he was pretty much controlling her. Seems like a writter flaw to me. This episode is a lot better when you don't pick it apart I guess

They didn't even seem that worried about Edwards through with Maggie's comment about how the guy is probs gone and Edwards is just locked in a room without a phone, like I get there's no proof she was taken but if a dangerous guy goes missing and you can't locate the last person to see him surely a check wouldn't hurt!

Omg right? The whole time I expected her to just be like 'take this!' But all we got was a shitty push! As a doctor she should know exactly how and where to hurt him also it's not easy to kill someone with a knife if you don't know much about throats and organs so she really should of had a upper hand here but I think

Is no one going to call Meredith out for when she goes to talk to Amelia and she starts telling her about Owen and mer goes 'no me' then talks about herself and walks off without going back to Amelia?
I get we all dislike Amelia and she is pretty shit sometimes but what Meredith had to say wasn't news or that big she

Arizona getting with every girl isn't unbelievable it's the idea that she 'can't stop thinking about minnick' is buy her yelling at her but still going there but now a actually relationship and it's clear no one is buying into it

Oh I'm all for how loaded she'd be but I think we should SEE it even if we don't see the kids we should see nannies or any signs of help, plus just because she's loaded doesn't mean she never spends time with her kids and that's what it appears like.

Oh I don't recall it! The way they live is like 3 single childless women and it's confusing

Omggg when she wants Riggs over and she Maggie stays at the hospital and Meredith ends up bailing and 'staying in her room all night' while Amelia ears dropped from hall way??? Like where the kids at seriously the writing is that bad now it's questionable. A answer to this would of been during Amelia and Maggie's talk

I don't understand why she didn't shut her up? If they actually fraught about these things then made out maybe it'd be a tiny bit more believable but she thinks about her all the time?? Too into her to care about what she's saying about her friends??? I can't even

Agreed I'm so sad because she was great at the start! I think the lift scene was good on her part because she's got such a cute sexy thing about her but I lost it at the car park scene, minnick was trash talking all her friends and I thought she was about to shut her down and she was just like 'stop talking now so we

I loved where this episode was going! Lock down, everyone in a room, fake bomb all so interesting but all we got was a stupid speech from papa pope that Olivia once again seemed shocked and hurt by like she doesn't know who her father is by now and then when all they had was a hour everyone went off and we got

When the lady walked in and fitz said 'I know who you are' the fucking president just admits he knows exactly who you are and everything you've done and she's like 'oh good' I refuse to believe he doesn't have power to stop this before Millie is in power they never got to him (?)

Poor fitz was trying his best to point out his only where he is because of strong women as is David and that's a beautiful point to make one of the rare moments I like fitz is when he admits he isn't shit but omg no David needs to stop dating ruthless murdering women okay don't give him a peep talk.

It did look pretty bad ass to have two women standing there but! It's ridiculous but the idea of a female president and Vice President is at least a cool thing to take from how messed up this show has got haha

Omg says I knew it was going to be bad but her claiming mer stole him from her who even says that? Maybe if they hooked up the story line would be more interesting and believable but a crush on a guy who turned you down being into your sister isn't her stealing him from you? I think it's reasonable to show her being

I'm pretty sure you sign for no extra measures to be taken, basically when it comes down to it and there's things that will help you survive you don't give a doctor the permission to perform them. Here they needed her permission to put her under for surgery when she said no they told her about what will happen and she