
Exactly. Which has been one of the main flaws all season. Characters have a BIG MOMENT without any build up to make it tense. Cameron quits job at phone company to start her own thing. She worked there? She was so mad at Joe but desperately needed to pay the bills? Who knows? Cameron after last ep was in an

I figured that Donna will be the one to "save the day" and make Gordon's engineering work with Cameron's vision. There will be a "BIG PROBLEM" and she will solve it, thus "earning her stripes" if you will as a full member of the team.

Yeah I thought it was perfect. The awful hanging silence, Megan crying, Don asking/dreading her being there hoping she's not but realizing she is…and then his face when he KNOWS. I thought it was very well done- about what isn't said, rather than what is.

Yes, Roger has been a child playing with Daddy's toy. My point was it was his company only sort of in name only, whereas now he's truly making it his own.

Maybe not "better" but in some ways was better for the creatives. Don having been put back to the basics- writing tags, working on Burger Chef- finds he likes it. He's convinced Ted likes it. Peggy likes it. But they like creating campaigns- remember Ted blowing out the budget for Peggy's ad? The business side of

I think the song suggests yes we get some money, but more importantly by far is we get our company back, For Don (and hopefully Ted), he gets to do brilliant work without dealing with the business BS. Roger finally stepped up to lead and not be a boy playing with his father's money. We get back the "spirit" of

Thank you to the reviewers, these were excellent reading. "Roger realizes there’s no one left to be more adult than him; he’s got to be responsible for himself." I thought this was a great character beat for Roger. His name has always been the first one listed in this company, but somehow you always got the feeling