Russ Petersen

Distancing and diminishing Bilquis? Her role so far is far, far bigger than anything the book gave her. Insofar as I recall (and it has been a while so forgive me if I'm wrong) the book gave her two scenes, the vore scene and then Technical Boy running her over with his limo.

yeah see? It's a fact that goes unmentioned, so, that it grossed as much as it did -without- China, is pretty good.

Seriously, why do so many people either omit or not know this film was not released in China? One of the biggest markets in the world banned the film, that right there is the single biggest reason it didn't make more money, regardless of what else anyone thinks its flaws were.

Mmm, I have to disagree abit with the 'choices' portion. Like, do we get a bit too hung up on it? Sure. But I think it also gives a too easy pass to developers if we just lie down and say, we're okay with just the illusion of choice if it makes us feel good. I really like it when games actually go all in on the choice

The first few episodes really are that simple, he pretty much spoiled the whole of the sea dragon episode. The later episodes though involve so many spoilers you can't offer up more detail and critique without blowing open massive spoilers.

'stark contrast'? Uh, that really oversimplifies Martin's appearance. His loving side is certainly shown, but he's definitely still a selfish, despicable prick.