Kate Montgomery

I think focusing on Corinne was a problem for the show. According to Reality Steve and The Inquistr, Vanessa didn't get along with any of the women and had a fight with Nick over Danielle L and with Rachel over Nick (and all the women sided with Rachel). I don't think they showed that drama to give more time for

I don't think Nick is into Danielle M or Corinne but just can't bring himself to send home the "girl next door" or "drama" girl. Alexis and Joesphine are great TV without being spoiled brats like Corinne. I think keeping the crazy villain this long into the show makes the show boring.

I think that because this is Nick's 4th time at this show, he is either going through the motions or takes direction from the producers more willingly. What made Juan Pablo, Chad, and Kaitlyn such good TV was because they fought with the producers. Also, I don't think many of the women are actually into Nick since he