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    I liked him I just think because there wasn't a whole lot Roy could do that he often had little range to move. The Brick storyline gave him a chance at doing more and he has slowly prospered from it. I feel he gets the same hate laurel has much of it is simply because of slow start


    Amell has shown excellent range for a show heavy on drama and lest we forget the calm where he sounded down right giddy while fighting crime

    Agreed I literally rolled my eyes at that like damn now I kinda want ollie to do it alone just to justify the need for the future ollie to learn the last his past self apparently didnt.

    This so much this

    I have been on the Roy hype train since he first showed up and his journey from outsider to sidekick to partner to savior was damn well deserved given he sometimes slips through the narrative cracks(looking at you Ray) but man was this a well told episode. All season people have been on the show for being more angsty

    Again I agree on the part of knowing barry is the flash but not just telling her that he is working with the flash would have been a smart lie to pull since she admitted to working with him too meaning she would think he was working in the same unknown capacity. Besides there was no reason Eddie had to know yet he was

    I was not at all surprised when the room was full on pics of Dick for ads(sorry his name escaped me) like Rob Thomas finally got to enjoy his true dream and create a room of dick.(pun intended.lol) as for the episode I never doubted Thomas but I was surprisingly less interested in this episode since it felt like this

    My issues with this episode are that iris is 100% right. It might not help that Eddie acted overly suspicious the entire time. Nor did he need to not tell Iris that he was working with the Flash which was really all she asked. I feel that at this point there is little excuse for hiding the identity other than

    Edward's my Nygma.

    I would agree if she didn't then just win by zombie mode and that was the real full gripe that there was no narrative reason she would learn kung fu besides asian gang

    Yeah I just feel they could have at least hinted that there was some kung fu knowledge before she suddenly knew it

    I really love how they throwback to Mars style investigation techniques but had Ravi call out how silly it is overall and how it made things worse. I thought the paranoia was a bit to much and that unlike liv's other abilities the sudden kung fu knowledge was both lacking and redundant given her zombie strength. But I

    That was kinda how I took it like how "gangstas" are always seen holding guns sideways. I just felt it didn't come as naturally as her art ability nor did it fully tie into the story considering her natural zombie strength would win the fight

    Hey I did say maybe maseo was being nice and picked some weak ninjas. Besides I was a bit confused when he said kill them like that defeats the point doesn't it?

    So… we all gonna pretend Roy didn't take an electric shock? Okay fine. I have been voting that Roy has been silently building up his cred and He spent some to get character and play the lead and reasoning to Laurel in the Brick story and then ran with it. If anyone deserves the bro props this season it definitely has

    Nyssa is training laurel(admittedly the time is still short) but maybe they weren't as elite as we assume.lol it was Oliver maybe maseo picked easy back up

    Got me again Flash. I love how Mark can play the same character in multiple fashions.

    For a second I thought yes wells might still live before the obviousness that Thawne was setting to do made me snap back. I agree this episode renewed my faith that flash knows where it is heading and I was just blown away by Hamill and thought he was spot on as the trickster even though… we should have got to watch

    Truth is Mark Hamill has been cursed by awesome due to his time as joker. His voice now kinda is stuck sounding like joker. That doesn't mean we can't appreciate the life he gives each character