
I read it as a 17 year old girl, and it turns out that's already too late in life.

Oh! Ambient noise reminds me of the thing everyone likes that I hate: Sigur Ros. What the fucking fuck is the appeal of Sigur Ros? No lyrics, screeching, atonal noise. I would maybe be impressed if I found out they were whales, but knowing they're humans, I just think they suck.

The first time I heard Kid A was in my freshman dorm room, the week it came out. We put it on and then proceed to just "hang out" (as the kids do). When it was over, I realized that I hadn't heard anything that I recognized as singing on the whole album. Subsequent listens proved that there was singing, but to me it

Lorelai pregnant?! Lauren Graham is like 50. Give the girl a rest.
Not that I need either of my Gilmore Girls to have kids (or more kids) to illustrate fulfilledness to the audience, but it would make a hell of a lot more sense if Rory was having a baby. There have been reports that Alexis is having a kid with Pete