
I agree, totally realistic. Rebecca showed all that growth when she was honest with Greg about her feelings at the bar and just wanted to know how he felt, however he wanted to tell her, however unromantic the moment ended up being, and I was proud of her for that. She was making herself vulnerable in pursuit of

I'm not a Paula fan, but I think she's a necessary character. Without Paula, 100 percent of the Josh craziness would be coming directly from Rebecca. It would be hard to keep Rebecca believable and sympathetic if all the Josh singlemindedness was coming from her own brain, with no outside encouragement. And I think it

Whenever I read criticisms of Greg, I immediately think … Rebecca literally slept with someone else while she was supposed to be on a date with Greg. The first time she met him, she made out with him all over the house just to look for Josh. They both have issues. I'm rooting for them both anyway. It's not really

I'm worried that the Harvard of the South hangup thing Greg has is going to spell trouble for Greg/Rebecca. Can he handle dating someone who went to actual Harvard of the actual world?

I don't exactly find the rudeness hot, but I dig vulnerability, so the business school scenes that delved into Greg's insecurities were sort of working for me.

I know we're not supposed to think about it because of magic and stuff, but the other possibility is just that the the dream stuff didn't actually happen as she dreamed it. Just the gist of it, the stuff her subconscious knows, would have been real. I.e., she might not know what her mom and dad said in that

I'm trying not to think too hard about the mechanics of the dream ghost; it was just interesting to me to wonder about Rebecca and her feelings about her dad up until this point. But since you mentioned it … do we know Greg called all those hospitals, or do we just know that Rebecca dreamed it? The gist is true—that

I think it's the "not admitting it." She has issues about abandonment and needing to be loved that are related to her father. If her mother shielding her from being hurt was really effective, I don't think she would have developed all those complexes. And one of her ways of coping with how unlovable her father made

Love doesn't have to be a person, in that whether she is romantically involved doesn't have to determine her happiness or self-worth. She has love in her life regardless. That doesn't mean that romantic love isn't fun, or that at some point in the future she wouldn't enjoy having a relationship, with Greg, or whoever.

Yeah, it seems like she at least knew her dad was the worst on a subconscious level. Blaming her mom has been a defense mechanism.

For a while I was enjoying how obsessed Rebecca's subconscious is with Greg's hotness, but the whole dream-ghost thing is vague, and also, it's not about the guys!

Agreed that Rebecca does not currently have feelings for Greg, and that would need to be shown to change over time if they were ever to get together. It doesn't mean I can't hope that eventually happens.

Yeah, I can't imagine it would have worked at this point either, but it seems like a healthier move to be honest and open about his feelings.

I found Greg's behavior last week comparable to some of Rebecca's crazier moments, so where I can forgive her, I can forgive him. I don't see it as ulterior motives because he wasn't being knowingly manipulative, but letting himself think and act irrationally by letting his feelings get out of control. But I agree,

This is the first episode where I could see how Josh and Rebecca might be good together, that maybe someone really chill and positive could help balance her out. What a great moment between them. My heart breaks for Greg, though. Forever on his side.

Rebecca does need a reality check, but the way he's turning on her instead of being a good influence on her seems more because of his own hurt feelings than his concern for Josh. Not quite villainy, imo, just more … human-y.

Has the reset button been hit, though? I thought we saw a lot of fallout this episode, with Josh much more wary than is characteristic, and Greg having turned on her pretty dramatically. I was glad they showed the damage done, although I do hope they find a new direction to go in now.

When Eli says he's a person person, the person he means is Peter, right? Man, what a high-maintenance pet choice.

What I especially liked about the juxtaposition was that Josh was comforting her for something totally made-up, because Rebecca is always hiding her true feelings and self from him, while Greg walked in on her in the middle of an actual mess/crisis and briefly comforted her for something real. Even if Greg didn't know

I ship it so hard, but I think the problem with Greg is that he sees and likes the real Rebecca, and Rebecca doesn't like herself enough to be okay with that yet.