
Massive betrayal is kind of Peter's thing, isn't it?

I loved it at about the same age and rewatched it as an adult, and it was campy and soapy but oh so much fun. Totally recommend it.

My six- and eight-year-old boys loved it. I'm sure some of it went over their heads, but it seemed like a movie with something for everyone.

I agree, it was in character, but it was also ice cold, not just to Don but to the children who could have used any comfort they could get. And it's like that woman said in that support group thing, she spent her life hoping that her mother would walk through the door. I think Bobby and Gene would have been so

I can see why he needed this personal journey, but I do really wish they had brought him back for that final sales pitch, and maybe at the end had him look to the back of the meeting room to see a hallucination of every person who ever meant something to him on this show, to make eye contact one last time … and then

So many of their best scenes have been over the phone (often just leaving the line open to hang out together while they work) I thought it was fitting. It was a different tone from most Mad Men scenes, but theirs was a different type of relationship by this point (best friends who respected and enjoyed each other), so

Agreed, I would have loved to see another Don presentation. He could have made something so meaningful about the interconnectedness of our mutual loneliness (or whatever .. I'm no Don Draper) and I picture it somehow merging the true Dick Whitman with the salesman Don Draper in a way much less disastrous than the

I do. He was driving all over the country, floundering desperately for any sort of redemption—Diana, the kid he gave the car to, Stephanie. He was too scared to go back home and try to make amends or help the people who really meant something to him.

True, I guess it could be taken that way. To me it seemed almost as obvious as when she opened the door to Cary—it wasn't a cliffhanger of whether she was going to start a firm with Cary, because she definitely was. And here she almost definitely won't partner with Canning. The door opening seemed sort of a feint, to

Just because she opened the door doesn't mean she will do it.