
Vice versa for me. After HZD, which had a very warm and emotional tone, I was completely indifferent to Nier's post-human world. The game seemed very dry and intellectual. But I will go back to it sometime…

I saw it this summer, in German, and it is painfully dry. In the end, it's worth it. There are a handful of belly laughs in the film, but the story is essentially a low stakes drama that plays almost in real time. I don't think of it as a comedy at all. A lot of the story is existentially horrific when I think back on

Guess supercreep in space wasn't on the cards at a production budget of $120 milllion!

I loved Hail Caesar. It is just set pieces, but what set pieces. I laughed like an idiot all the way through it, and think it's evidence that Brolin is one of Hollywood's most underrated players. He can be crazily inventive (Inherant Vice) - tough (Sicario) - straight up moving - (Milk, No Country) and holy cow if the

Yes! I laughed all the way through and was glued to it. But it is a series of disconnected set pieces, and you don't really follow Eddie Manx or The Clooney character. So it's disjointed as all hell. But brilliant in individual moments.

A guy people mostly liked and thought was sound, reveals that he's cool with Trump, who to anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain is a monster in plain sight.

This Woman's Work by Kate Bush

I listened repeatedly since release. nothing stuck to me except the fact that everything seemed unnecessarily filtered. It's like playing folk dressage. the production is more interesting than the songs. it feels like someone putting up a wall between himself and the listener… he got obsessed with studio trickery. his

Loved them at the time. NG was and still is the most arrogant cynical and entertaining git in the music business. He described Liam as "a man with a fork in a world of soup". Very very funny - but toxic.

I watched all these on DVD fifteen years ago, one after work every night. I highly recommend cutting out some time and watching them, because they are incredible.

South Park satan. Particularly from the movie. Hands down.

Saw Fight club opening night back in 99. Really loved first hour. The twist was just like - huh? Movie went down the toilet. I remember we left the theatre and people were telling the guys in line 'they're both the same person! Its bullshit!' I went to see it twice more, but just for the first hour which remains

ANYONE you know in the business should be the first person to go to.

See my post above: US camera crews are super macho. There's a lot of hazing. I know a few young girls interested in it who just decided early on they didn't want to be on the recieving end of so much misogyny for years just to get a shot at it. They moved into art direction, costumes, casting, or post as a result.

I know quite a few women cinematographers in Germany. They get more respect here than in the US. Maybe they're not shooting the new james bond film, but they work steady and do well. I don't know the % but it's more than the 2% quoted here for sure.
In LA the camera dept is ALWAYS the single most macho part of the

It's adjusted shutter angle, not speed.

He's Danish, not Dutch. Wow, the writers at the AV club have gotten worse & worse.

Yup. I barely come here anymore, not my crowd. We're getting older, they're getting younger. But that's ok.

Ahmen to that. Over here in berlin, we're all holding our breath. The atmosphere is very, very thick and heavy, like a storm is going to break.