Jonathan Hemlock

What does real age have to do with this, though? Sue is supposed to be 18 in the Middle. My guess is the writers didn't figure on Ariel Winters becoming so lovely but couldn't/can't figure out a way to get out of the rut.

Mixed among hundreds of truly crappy movies on Hulu + are a number of gems, including the whole Criterion Collection. No ads. Makes it worth it to me.

Casey is a devoted minister who has dedicated his life to helping the poor. No, wait - Casey wants to be a [can't remember what]. No, wait - Casey wants to be an event promoter. No - wait - Casey wants to own a shoe-store. Danny kisses Mindy on airplane, love ensues - no wait, he goes back to being a dick for a

Why is any of this ego-tripping interesting? She's homely - but not extremely homely. She's a schlub - but not overly so. If she's going to push this kind of skit, the object of the deliberations needs to be an obese actress with warts on her chin.
Same argument with the "Last Fuckable Day Sketch." Julia

Not really relevant to this episode, but my this show has continuity problems. Everybody thought Claire was too good for Phil. Except Phil tried to break up with Claire and she refused and 20 years later they're still married. Except Phil begged Claire to marry him. Except Phil and Claire eloped because she was