
With the exception of Stark, it doesn't seem any different than the first Spider-man movie…

I actually loved the portrayal of the confederates. Most of the time Hollywood is to afraid to portray them as evil and pretends that they aren't the American version of Nazis with a dash of treason thrown in. Sure, not every confederate owned slaves but not every nazi killed Jews; they both supported evil systems. No

I loved this episode but I'm afraid of any easily solved problem that's introduced that we know could be solved in about 5 minutes. Reporter finds out Oliver wasn't on the island for all 5 years: Ask your best friend's wife, who happens to run ARGUS, to create a backstory that includes your time in Russia. Show

The entire time Laurel was talking, all I could hear was Archer saying "She thinks she's people." Maybe when you decide who gets to come back from death, someone should be a bit judgemental

Dan Slott. He might be able to write Spider-man. But he can't write anyone else who has ever been in a Spider-man book.