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    Todd's convinced that to get women, you have to be nice to them. So wrong. Women dig assholes.

    Yeah. Bad idea to drink another person's tea. What if Lydia has some infectious disease?

    How is SPLC any relevant? They pretty much label everything as hate speech.

    Todd really needs to work on his seduction skills.

    One guy against 6? No way. As much as you like Indians, they don't have superpowers.

    My take on it is they hate cops anyway, so they couldn't miss an opportunity to kill 2 of them in the middle of nowhere where noone would ever find out.

    They have swastika tattoos. Looks like Neo-Nazis to me.

    I was surprised by Hank's non-reaction to Uncle Jack's gang showing up. He and Gomey just keep standing out there in the open. When you see 6 guys pointing guns at you, run for cover!

    That hug was like a kiss from Judas

    Hank Schrader doesn't support gay marriage

    That waiter was really annoying and agressive. Is that standard waiter behaviour in USA?

    He doesn't understand that the choice is "kill Hank or go to prison". Walt still thinks there's a third option but there isn't!

    Jesse is such an idiot. He has 5 million dollars and tries so hard to get rid of it. With that much money he could really turn his life around, but no he goes back to his old destructive habits. Once a junkie, always a junkie.

    That's an interesting theory

    Yeah that Daniel lawyer really struck me as a complete clown

    Yeah that Daniel lawyer really struck me as a complete clown

    Mike tells it exactly as it is.

    Mike tells it exactly as it is.

    Kasich is a warmonger, he would start World War 3 if elected.

    Jealous much?