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    She's smart, beautiful, successful and a mother of 2. Pure perfection.

    If nominated Trump would mop the floor with Hilary in general election. She has so many scandals and he would expose them all to public.

    Regarding abortion comment, Trump's words were twisted by the reporter. The question was: "If the abortion was banned, would women doing it need to be punished?". And Trump answered "Well yes, because in that case they would be breaking the law". There you have it folks. Don't believe everything you read in the media.

    Lying media attacking Trump… again

    It looked like a complete shithole to me. I don't understand how can anyone like desert.

    It looked like a complete shithole to me. I don't understand how can anyone like desert.

    Who is Laundry?

    Who is Laundry?

    "But Walt refuses to let reality interfere with his perfect plan"
    Perfectly written Donna!

    "But Walt refuses to let reality interfere with his perfect plan"
    Perfectly written Donna!

    Excelent analysis

    Excelent analysis

    She looks old. Like 40+

    She looks old. Like 40+

    So sad that he failed, that lady was so sexy

    So sad that he failed, that lady was so sexy

    When they have no arguments, they can always call you misogynist. Or racist.

    When they have no arguments, they can always call you misogynist. Or racist.

    So many people have no idea what plus-size means. It's a term from fashion industry, which means 'heavier than usual models'. Since models are mostly thin, plus-size actually means slightly overweight. Which Amy Schumer clearly is.

    How exactly did Walt fuck up their relationship? I don't deny he's a murderer and manipulator at work, but he was always loving and kind to his family.