
Really…! no disrespect to Paul Simon but he is too smug, and self satisfied for my liking, and his greatest work was with Art Garfunkel, who brought the songs alive with his great vocals, delve into Neil's early songs, the bang years, and that prolific period between 1968 - 1972, and you will be hard pressed to find

I have been a Neil Diamond fan for over forty years, he is a giant of the music industry, I have seen his show umpteen times, and am due to attend his concert in Manchester, England next week, he has created a body of work many artists would kill for, of course the hits seem to have dried up, but that is only because

A surprising fact about Neil Diamond, he has one of the best Rock voices in music, you listen to Neil full throttle, and he can rival any rocker, the HAN album showcases that on some of the tracks, particularly on Soolaimon and Brother Love…… he is in equally fine form on Holly Holy, Neil Diamond is a poet, and chose

Neil's collaborations with Rick Rubin brought out that aspect of Neil Diamond that seemed lost, his great songwriting, as a massive fan of Mr Diamond, I don't think he has wrote a bad song, I think he pandered to the needs of his record label, rather than do it his way, but with Rubin, he wrote from the heart, and

As live albums go, Neil Diamond's Hot August Night is possibly the finest live album you will ever hear, by any artist, everything from the orchestration to Neil's vocals and performance were top notch, this was the show that created the legend of Neil Diamond as a live performer, it also showcased his innate ability

Neil Diamond is undoubtably America's greatest songwriter, it seems there are always articles trying to undermine him, a man who has stayed true to himself and his music, and he consistently fills arena's around the world whenever he tours, his current world tour is receiving rave reviews, and shows that at 74yrs this

Go throw yourself in a wood chipper, you are typical of those who criticise for the hell of it, I am a great fan of Neil Diamond, he is undoubtably one of the great Singer/songwriters, and live showmen around, and has been such for many a year, when you can fill arena's around the world time and again, and