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    Does the current international space station have long-range scanners and cameras that can see at that detailed level of Earth on a real-time basis? I'd assume nothing is updating Google Earth at all without infrastructure on the ground. The Ark was cobbled together from the different international space stations in

    That's probably going to be a B-line plot; where did suicide boy's body go, and why is that bunker so pristine. 'Cause it's not airtight.

    This is more or less what's said; that over time, the long-term exposure in space to the constant, but lower, levels of radiation built up a higher tolerance and ability to metabolize it (note how the grounders still have mutations and such; there's no full immunity, while the Arkers had longer term to actually

    Yeah, I was thinking that too. Also, is it just me, or does it seem like all that tech on the beach would indicate she's been upgrading herself?

    I really didn't like him until late in the first season. I'm starting Continuum on Netflix now, so it's good to know he's on there!

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