
Eh, this is just a mere annoyance. Yesterday was the real bad news, what with the upcoming Secretary of Health already drafting a bill to nuke ACA and return to the good 'ol days.

You could also cut the sides off of those CDs to make fun, multi-media business cards.

Damn, that first sentence got me really excited thinking that they would actually be putting on an acoustic show. Would love to see what they would come up with.

So the Jeopardy producers obviously do some seeding so that the big guns don't wind up eliminating each other early in the tournament, but do they ever release those rankings or does it just go by number of games/money won?

That sounds like a typical Tuesday for Dik.

It also did a paltry $33M worldwide, which likely won't help the cause.

Could you all keep it down please? Some of us are trying to sleep.