Emily Boyle

nich, this is the first comment that actually made me laugh out loud. I thank you for that.

Love=evil… really…? Preetttty sure Jedi are encouraged to love, just not close, romantic attachments, which I absolutely agree with… The Jedi are in a very important and depended-on (so to speak) position of leadership, which demands 100% of their focus… They weren't "essentially supposed to abandon" their mate and

A little piece of my soul dies every time someone refers to androids as aliens or robots…

I second that… twice…

Of the original 3, I would agree with him… Jedi, New Hope, Empire last…

In what backwards Hell does Phantom Menace has more drama in it than Revenge of the Sith…


I half like this comment and half don't…

Did you just copy and paste my comment…

Fluke… lol WHOOPS now I'm a billionaire… Lucas co-created the Labyrinth, alongside Jim Henson, who happens to be another perfect example of sheer brilliance and who also became WILDY successful…

Ahhhh I thought the exact same thing… I actually only clicked on the post because I was thinking- Director of Phantom Menace…? 1. Pretty sure most ppl know who George Lucas is… 2. Why Phantom Menace? Why didn't they just say Star Wars…

I'm pretty sure his bajillion fans are interested in what he thinks..

It's irritating to me that they used a picture of Spock to identify Quinto…Bastards… Long live Sylar!

Your mom is trash.

That "guy from the Labyrinth" would be David Bowie, and it was an owl, not an eagle… Just sayin'…