
On one hand as a grown adult, I'm not down with abuse of any kind. At the same time, I find it interesting that we now hold artists in fringe cultures to these standards of behavior. If someone is truly a nihilistic embodiment of punk self-destruction, I don't really expect them to be all that pleasant of a human

When I was around 9-11 or so, my 7 year old brother had a friend spend the night. He walked by the Tv while I was watching Tremors and saw a Graboid. Later that night he peed the bed and started screaming and had to be picked up by his Mom.

Fantastic business sense.

Yeah she makes it think it's a foreign object or a tumor or something.

I see this explanation a lot and it feels like a retcon to me.

Best part *ONLY* because it was left completely unexplored and unexplained.

And by then he'll have completed his underwater biodome in the Marianas Trench. Genius.

For me the biggest problem is that the lifecycle of the creatures is completely fucked by Prometheus. Black goo, the snake, eggs, mega-facehugger, Porto-Xenomorph, you can't make any sense of it.

Ace Ventura 2, for all its faults, has the best animal vagina scene OF ALL TIME and I won't hear otherwise.

Personally I can't stand this type of action-comedy blend. If it's an out and out comedy then I'm simply bored by the action pieces.

Same. Anyone got a link or can provide a synopsis

Until the credits sequence came on I was fcking confused out of my mind about the position of the cops outside.

I was alive before 1999 and therefore can easily die happy never hearing that song again.

I don't think you can ever go wrong with twist and shout. I mean every wedding reception DJ ever can't be wrong!

I cannot imagine being 40+ years old and having to scream "SHUT UP WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU" at the top of my lungs. You know he wants to be at home with a glass of wine, a joint, and some Cat Stevens but instead he has to put on some long-shorts and scream for the kids.

I loved a couple Metallica albums but as soon as anyone else showed up at the skate park those CDs were fucking out of rotation

The problem with Linkin Park is that they peaked with a very specific sound that immediately went out of style. So the simple answer is form a new band, but there's too much money 💰 still tied up in the Linkin Park branding.

Plus lifetime pass for allowing tom hardy to use that accent

The hood love to listen to Jeezy and Weezy, and oh yeah, Yeezy

*insert immortal guitar 🎸 riff