
There's maybe 3 good tracks tops, and it had a big single, and especially at the fucking AVCLUB Gambino is not some obscure reference. Were you even here in the COMMUNITY days bro?!

Totally forgot about UF

I scrolled down and I recognized none of the contributors bylines.

Or 30 Rock, which would instantly give you carpal tunnel in that hand

Exactly the same

I think it has to do with his Satanism.

Yes, that's his name. But in the scene I referenced Jian-Yang pronounces his name "Eric".

That was my favorite part of the whole goddamn movie. Finally, something new.

"Eric, this you as an old man. I'm ugly and alone and dead"

Donaghy would be a huge fan, no question.

I'm just here to bring up the Silkk Tha Shocker classic "NOT MY FAULT PT 2 (Feat. Mystikal) " which includes Mystikal quoting Urkel for the hook. "Uh ohhhhhhh, did I do that? "

No argument there, but I just can't call it his worst film on account of those highs. The basement bar scene had me on a fucking razor's edge when I saw it.

Greenday has two stone-cold, mainstream, pop-punk all-time classics - "Longview" and "Basket Case"


I miss when you didn't have to have any account of any kind and it was a true Wild West, but also without an influx of alt-rights, spam-bots, and psychotic celebrity superfans.

Maaaaan that movie has AT LEAST two set pieces that don't feature Roth at all that are up there with the best shit Tarantino has ever done.

Ooooh wah-ah-ah-h

"Alive and Cromwell" is my favorite part of Walk-Out Boys every damn episode.

I thought he wound up killing all the engineers and using Shaws body as an alien incubator.

That's cool and all but isn't that Ozymandias' quote meant to show the futility of the speaker, even though it sounds badass?