
Yeah, it's not a critique of the writers here / you.


Best part is she proposed the correct planet right after the water planet disaster, and her reasoning about love is then borne out by the rest of the film.

HEs the only reason to watch that movie

they seem to temper each other just enough. Roiland is kinda puerile and vulgar in the way of a 9-year old boy when let free and Harmon is Harmon.

Season 1 is a stone cold classic, rough-edges and all. S2 and this first ep of 3, I enjoy but they're not gonna hit those peaks again.

Wait is that a real thing?

When I was in high school, I found a folded piece of paper on the ground. Inside, someone had written all the lyrics to last resort in one big sentence, over and over, so it had that sort of psychotic multi-line emphasis (picture Fear and Loathing cover font).

The laziest most detached mofo in the bunch

I think something the show does fairly well is show that even though some of these characters are outlandish cartoons, they have their talents and abilities that have gotten them where they are.

Because when Richard balked at going corporate server-side, Hooli swooped in and acquired Jack who pitched the idea to them.

I really hate that they feel constrained by the sitcom structure of always returning to baseline. They should have let PP be a success seasons ago and then explored that. And you could always have something happen where Richard gets screwed out of the company ala Alex Garfield in Social Network and starts over again

And the fact that it's a proven fact that AVClub needs an editor.

Reading Neuromancer and Snow Crash kind of made me love the film as I thought at the time it was the closest we'd ever get to either of those books being filmed. In fact it probably still is the closest a movie has come to realizing the vision of either of those books.

13 Assassins is his best because he tamps down his desire to be repulsive just enough.

I was super disappointed in the movie at the time. "Get ready to cheer for the bad guy " and then he's just another anti-hero. I really thought they might go for something novel and have him actually be the bad guy.

What makes you think Rabin is in a good place writing this?

Fuck that alien nonsense, fuck this German nonsense. Just tell a goddamn story Hawley

Man… I liked S1, but couldn't stand S2. Legion was a similar thing, and I just couldn't get into this tonight. It all just feels a little too "head up its own ass". Perfect example is this McGregor gimmick.

Didn't even finish season 2. Lost my interest. Felt like its head went way too far up its own ass.