
I prefer the art of the latter. More genuine, actual sense of danger too, fuck this clown

I can assure you, even as I was having a meth-induced stroke, nothing quite that meaningless came out of my mouth.

Because he is willing to engage with the material on its terms, as opposed to some lofty standard like this prick. Then Rabin takes it down. There's a way to do it, this guy demonstrated the "how not to"

Nice dupe accounts!

Man, I'm on the cusp of being a technical millennial, and these fucking kids are wildly different than I was in my early 20s.

At the end of the day these are all hydrocodone with an NSAID which essentially means "Vicodin" to the majority of people.

False, Ultram is Tramadol, very different drug.

In the honeymoon phase I was productive as fuck!

What's this about bottoming?

Bc looks cool

This movie was fucking great especially for a crowd-funded project.

Totally disagree with this article. Album sucks balls. If it had even two or three tracks as good as Closer, Roses, or Kanye, I'd be fine with it. Instead it lacks everything that made their best singles legitimately good songs.

Totally different market demographics though. I waited in snow overnight to get a Classic. I have zero interest in a Switch even if it has a virtual store with every Nintendo game ever available.

Why would they care about part 2? A sale is a sale. Sell until you can't.

Shit, that's the episode, didn't see your comment before I made mine.

What's that one episode where Dennis is like "what the duck happened to us, I used to be a cool guy with a cool car, frank what would you say if I said let's make you a man-cheetah?" "Frank: "Idgo get the spots"

I'm pretty sure Bunk had a debilitating hangover that I could feel through the goddamn TV in one episode

Fuck! You're totally right. The epilogue involved him and Danny didn't it?

FUCK that part of the book got me

Okay, I fucking love the movie, but I have to agree: the book is a masterpiece. It filled me with such a creeping fucking dread even in the middle of a beautiful summer day that I had to go find people to be around.