
It's effective in the book as well. The whole time you're watching the movie though you're counting on his journey, with all the tribulations he's gotta overcome on the way, to help them in some way. And he's immediately killed and all for naught. It's brilliant.

What was the crime? Maybe you could argue criminal negligence of some kind, but there was definitely no criminal intent involved there.

Cromwell is great, Spacey is great, Russell is almost as good as he was in Romper Stomper, Pierce is great… fuck, I really love this movie. I know this is a lame ranking but noir for me goes 1) Chinatown 2) LA Confidential

They did not. Fuck that YouTube video crew, fuck GJI

They don't give us one and I *just* made a post asking for it. Can you spoil the ending for me here? I want to hear about it.

Can someone spoil the ending for me?

Dude there are a MILLION short stories you could set in this world! I fucking *wish* they had gotten away from the Neo mythology and explored.

It's a shit word, it makes no sense grammatically in the context it is being used it. It's fucking worse than "fleek".

Makes more sense than my first thought, which was that he was hanging with Pierce.

You're not alone, friend.

The quest for snark has ruined the fucking AVClub.

I was giving you advice regarding how to be as manic as Larry. Based on your posts and his I can only conclude you are both waaaaay too heavily invested in Michael Jackson and also hardcore meth-heads.

Was totally expecting this to become an Owen Wilson Tenenbaum

BAsed on the book?!?!

There were TWO MJs, just like Elvis. The pedophile one switched places with the drug-addict one.

Just let it happen man, it's a beautiful thing.


I was told there would be no math.

*contemplates for a second, then stands up

Gender confused and redundant? *unzips